Sourcing Agent
The sourcing agent Turkey allows you to reach the producers of raw materials and products needed by your business in Turkey. Efficient use of resources, achieving competitive prices, technical and risk analysis of cost benefit balance, Contract Management and product logistics contribute to your business.
The purchasing consulting begins with the investigation of the suppliers of the raw materials and products needed. In addition to the in house company database of procurement office, it allows you to quickly obtain supplier lists using various sources.
After the creation of supplier lists, negotiations are provided with suppliers about the requested commodity. Technical procurement details are provided by the buyer. In line with the technical procurement specifications received, the product inspection and audit phase is started.
Negotiations begin with suppliers. Simultaneously, intelligence work is carried out on the supplier. Financial balance sheets, production capacity, personnel adequacy are examined. Feasibility reports are prepared to ensure smooth progress of your procurement process.
Along with technical procurement negotiations on the requested commodity, commercial negotiations are also conducted. Details such as the supplier’s price, delivery time, delivery method and requested payment method are provided to the contract.
If the commodity to be supplied is to undergo the manufacturing phase, product inspection and audit phases of all stages of manufacturing are followed. Compliance with the agreement provided with process control is tested. In case of any delay or glitch, the subject will be reported immediately. During the manufacturing phase, the compliance of the commodity manufactured with the technical requirements contained in the contract is subject to quality control tests at the manufacturing site.
After completion of manufacturing, final checks are carried out before delivery. Product inspection and audit phases are completed. Packing is checked. Compliance with the type of transport to be carried out and international transport rules are tested and their results are reported.
The procurement office follows the logistics and customs processes of the commodity arriving at the transport stage. It provides and controls the documents required for both exit customs and arrival customs. If the documents are incorrect, a contact is made with the relevant unit and quickly the correction process is followed up. It ensures the completion of the procurement process by making the necessary coordination between the supplier, buyer, customs broker and transportation company.

Why Sourcing Agent?
The sourcing agent Turkey works to facilitate trade, which is becoming a little more difficult every day. Many manufacturers or consumers are looking for new suppliers due to problems that may occur with an existing supplier, extended production and delivery times. Especially in far countries, the length of supply time causes businesses to search for new suppliers. Turkey is on its way to becoming the manufacturing base of the world thanks to its production of higher quality with almost the same price from far countries.
Thanks to its geopolitical position, it can supply products to European countries within 24 hours.
Along with these advantages, sourcing agent provides value added services with International Trade Consulting that reduces your investment costs and risks.
Through the purchasing consulting, you can make your existing production line work more efficiently by contacting suppliers in Turkey. Procurement office can benefit from the service without establishing a Commercial Representation office in Turkey.
Benefits of Sourcing Agent
The sourcing agent prevents your loss of time and money due to its cost benefit approach. It allows you to communicate effectively with your potential supplier and improve your existing supply system. Purchasing consulting reduces your input costs by finding suppliers that produce cheaper and higher quality. Sourcing agent Turkey, aims to reduce your purchasing risks along with effective contracts. It creates the necessary regulation and infrastructure for fast customs and transport operations.
Who Can Benefit from Sourcing Agent?
Anyone who has problems with their existing suppliers, is concerned about the length of delivery times and quality, can benefit from the sourcing agent.