Contract Management
Within the scope of the contract management in Turkey, the parties who want to establish a commercial relationship are listened carefully and the inconsistency to be disputed are carefully examined. Depending on the nature of the commercial relationship to be established, the contract preparation service is provided to the parties. The international commercial contract to be prepared is communicated to the parties. Within the scope of the contract to be prepared, the authorities and responsibilities imposed by both parties are notified.
After the parties accept and declare their authorities and responsibilities in writing, the type of contract determined is proceeded to the contract preparation stage.
International commercial contract management ensures that the issues agreed between the parties who want to establish a commercial relationship are translated into a written text within the framework of international law, in a way that protects both parties.
International commercial contract management supports the contracts of your business with experienced lawyers and aims to prevent any kind of unjust treatment.

Why Contract Management?
International commercial contracts are declarations of will that create, amend or terminate rights and obligations between persons authorized to make contracts within the framework of international rules and in accordance with these rules of law.
As can be appreciated, each country has its own understanding of law and judicial order. As part of our Commercial Representation service, all commercial contracts that you make in Turkey, are prepared by us.
Contract management determines the law that will be applied in two or multilateral contracts, or which law will protect your interests more.
Contract management in Turkey, provide contract preparation service that focused on protecting your interests together with the opinion to be reached.
What are the Benefits of Contract Management ?
Contracts have many varieties in themselves. For instance, each Purchase and Sales Agreement is subject to different terms and conditions. On the other hand, has its own consequences, according to its own terms and conditions. The issue of the arrangement of Purchase and Sales Agreement, which is one of the most important and critical stages of a commercial activity, creates absolute responsibility.
Therefore, it is unfortunately not possible to get healthy results with small details that are changed on printed Purchase and Sales Agreement or other printed contracts that are considered insignificant.
On the contrary, such contracts, which victimize the parties, also burden the parties with a lot of responsibility from a legal point of view.
The products which you purchase within the scope of Sourcing Agent and International Trade Consulting are secured with contract management.
International commercial contract management provides to protect your interests without suffering victimization by examining the commercial relationship that will be established in accordance with the terms and conditions of each contract.
Who Can Benefit from Contract Management ?
Any person or legal entity who wants to enter into a contract and establish a commercial relationship can benefit from our contract activity.